How Many Burners Do I Need On A Camping Stove

So you’re getting ready for your next camping adventure, and you’re wondering how many burners you actually need on a camping stove. Well, the answer depends on a few factors. If you’re a minimalist camper who enjoys simple meals and doesn’t need to cook multiple dishes at once, a single burner should suffice. However, if you’re a culinary enthusiast who loves whipping up gourmet feasts even in the great outdoors, you might want to consider investing in a camping stove with multiple burners. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of both options and help you decide how many burners will best suit your camping needs. So, let’s get cooking!

Factors to Consider

When choosing a camping stove, there are several factors you need to consider to ensure you find the right one for your outdoor adventures. These factors include group size, meal complexity, cooking time, availability of fuel, and weight and portability.

Group Size

The first factor to consider when deciding on the number of burners you need on a camping stove is the size of your camping group. If you typically camp alone or with a small group, a single-burner stove may be sufficient. However, if you often go camping with a larger group of people, you may need a stove with multiple burners to efficiently cook for everyone.

Meal Complexity

The complexity of your meals is another important consideration. If you prefer simple, one-pot meals or quick and easy cooking, a single-burner stove may meet your needs. However, if you enjoy more elaborate meals and like to cook multiple dishes at once, a stove with two or more burners would be more suitable.

Cooking Time

Consider the cooking time required for your meals. If you mainly cook quick meals that require minimal cooking time, a single-burner stove should be sufficient. On the other hand, if you often prepare meals that require longer cooking times or multiple dishes cooked simultaneously, a stove with multiple burners can greatly reduce your cooking time.

Availability of Fuel

The availability of fuel is also an important factor to consider when choosing a camping stove. If you are camping in an area where fuel sources are limited or if you prefer to carry less fuel, a single-burner stove may be more appropriate. However, if you have access to ample fuel or if you are camping for an extended period, a stove with multiple burners can be more convenient.

Weight and Portability

Lastly, consider the weight and portability of the stove. If you are backpacking or hiking to your camping site, a lightweight and portable stove is essential. In this case, a single-burner stove would be ideal as it is compact and easy to carry. However, if you are camping in a car or RV, weight and portability may not be as much of a concern, allowing you to opt for a stove with more burners.

Types of Camping Stoves

Now that we have considered the factors to keep in mind when choosing a camping stove, let’s explore the different types of stoves available.

Single-Burner Stoves

A single-burner stove is a compact and lightweight option that is perfect for solo campers or small groups. These stoves typically have one burner and are designed for simple cooking. They are easy to set up and operate, making them great for beginners or those who prefer minimalist cooking. Single-burner stoves are also more fuel-efficient compared to larger stoves, making them a suitable choice for shorter camping trips where weight and fuel consumption are concerns.

Two-Burner Stoves

Two-burner stoves are a versatile option for campers who want to cook more complex meals or have a larger group to feed. With two burners, you can simultaneously cook multiple dishes, saving you time and energy. These stoves usually have larger cooking surfaces and can accommodate larger pots and pans. However, two-burner stoves are slightly heavier and bulkier than single-burner stoves, so they may not be as portable for backpackers.

Three-Burner Stoves

Three-burner stoves are great for camping with larger groups or families. As the name suggests, these stoves have three burners, allowing you to cook multiple dishes simultaneously. With a larger cooking surface and higher heat output, three-burner stoves are ideal for preparing more elaborate meals. However, they are heavier and bulkier than both single-burner and two-burner stoves, making them more suitable for car camping or RV trips.

Multi-Burner Stoves

Multi-burner stoves are the most versatile and efficient option for campers who prioritize cooking space and efficiency. These stoves offer four or more burners, allowing you to cook a wide variety of dishes simultaneously. Multi-burner stoves are typically larger and heavier, making them better suited for car camping or base camp setups. They are ideal for large groups or campers who enjoy gourmet cooking during their outdoor adventures.

Single-Burner Stoves

Now that we have explored the different types of camping stoves, let’s take a closer look at the advantages, disadvantages, and suitability of single-burner stoves.


One of the main advantages of a single-burner stove is its compact and lightweight design. These stoves are highly portable, making them ideal for backpackers or hikers. Single-burner stoves are also fuel-efficient, as they require less fuel to operate compared to larger stoves. They are easy to set up and use, making them a great option for beginners or those who prefer simple cooking.


One of the main disadvantages of a single-burner stove is its limited cooking capacity. You can only cook one dish at a time, which can be time-consuming if you have multiple dishes to prepare. Additionally, the small cooking surface may not be sufficient for larger pots or pans. Single-burner stoves also lack the versatility of larger stoves, as they are primarily designed for basic cooking needs.


Single-burner stoves are suitable for solo campers or small groups who prefer simple cooking and have minimal cooking needs. They are perfect for backpacking trips or short camping excursions where weight and portability are important considerations. If you prioritize fuel efficiency and ease of use, a single-burner stove is an excellent choice.

Two-Burner Stoves

Now let’s dive into the advantages, disadvantages, and suitability of two-burner stoves.


One of the main advantages of a two-burner stove is its versatility. With two burners, you can cook multiple dishes simultaneously, saving you time and effort. The larger cooking surface of a two-burner stove also allows you to use bigger pots and pans, making it easier to prepare more complex meals. Two-burner stoves are also relatively easy to set up and operate, providing a convenient cooking solution for campers.


While two-burner stoves offer increased cooking capacity, they are slightly heavier and bulkier compared to single-burner stoves. This can make them less portable, especially for backpackers or those with limited space. Additionally, two-burner stoves generally require more fuel compared to single-burner stoves. This should be considered if you are planning longer trips or if fuel availability is a concern.


Two-burner stoves are suitable for campers who enjoy more elaborate meals and need the flexibility to cook multiple dishes at once. They are great for small to medium-sized groups and provide an efficient cooking solution for those who want to minimize cooking time. If you prioritize versatility and are willing to sacrifice some portability, a two-burner stove is a solid choice.

Three-Burner Stoves

Let’s now examine the advantages, disadvantages, and suitability of three-burner stoves.


One of the main advantages of a three-burner stove is its ability to cook multiple dishes simultaneously. With three burners, you have even more cooking space and can prepare larger meals efficiently. The larger cooking surface of a three-burner stove also allows for the use of bigger pots and pans. Three-burner stoves are a great option for larger groups or families who require a high cooking capacity.


Three-burner stoves are larger and heavier than both single-burner and two-burner stoves. This can make them less portable and more cumbersome to transport. Additionally, three-burner stoves tend to consume more fuel, which should be taken into consideration when planning longer trips or camping in areas with limited fuel availability.


Three-burner stoves are suitable for campers who prioritize cooking space and efficiency. They are ideal for larger groups or families who need to cook multiple dishes at once. Three-burner stoves are best suited for car camping or RV trips where weight and portability are not significant concerns. If you plan to cook elaborate meals or have a large group to feed, a three-burner stove is a great choice.

Multi-Burner Stoves

Lastly, let’s explore the advantages, disadvantages, and suitability of multi-burner stoves.


One of the main advantages of a multi-burner stove is its high cooking capacity. With four or more burners, you can cook a wide variety of dishes simultaneously, making it easy to cater to the needs of large groups or families. Multi-burner stoves usually have a spacious cooking surface, allowing for the use of multiple pots and pans of various sizes. They are ideal for those who enjoy gourmet cooking and want a versatile cooking solution.


The main disadvantage of multi-burner stoves is their size and weight. These stoves are the bulkiest and heaviest options on the market, making them less portable and suitable primarily for car camping or base camp setups. Multi-burner stoves also consume more fuel, so fuel availability and cost should be taken into consideration when planning longer trips or camping in remote areas.


Multi-burner stoves are suitable for campers who prioritize cooking space, versatility, and efficiency. They are perfect for large groups, families, or campers who enjoy complex and gourmet cooking. Multi-burner stoves are best suited for car camping, where weight and portability are not significant concerns. If you are willing to invest in a larger and heavier stove and want the ultimate cooking experience during your camping trips, a multi-burner stove is the way to go.

Budget Considerations

Apart from the factors mentioned earlier and the types of camping stoves available, budget considerations also play a significant role in choosing the right stove for your outdoor adventures.

Cost of Stove

The cost of the stove itself is an important consideration. Single-burner stoves are generally the most affordable option, while multi-burner stoves tend to be the most expensive due to their larger size and additional features. Two-burner and three-burner stoves fall somewhere in between. Consider your budget and choose a stove that offers the right balance between price and features based on your needs and preferences.

Cost of Fuel

In addition to the cost of the stove, it is essential to consider the cost of fuel. Different camping stoves require different types of fuel, and the availability and cost of fuel can vary depending on your location. Single-burner stoves tend to be more fuel-efficient, requiring less fuel to operate. Multi-burner stoves, on the other hand, consume more fuel due to their larger size and higher heat output. Take into account the cost of fuel and choose a stove that fits within your budget.

Long-Term Savings

While camping stoves can be a significant investment, it is important to consider the long-term savings they can provide. By cooking your meals at the campsite instead of eating out or relying on pre-packaged foods, you can save money in the long run. Additionally, a durable and high-quality stove can last for many years, saving you from having to replace it frequently. Consider the long-term savings potential of a stove when making your decision.

Other Options

Apart from camping stoves, there are other cooking options available for outdoor cooking.

Cooking Over an Open Fire

Cooking over an open fire is a traditional and rustic method of outdoor cooking. It allows you to experience the beauty of campfire cooking and adds a unique flavor to your meals. However, cooking over an open fire can be challenging and requires proper fire-building skills. It may not be suitable in areas with fire restrictions or if you prefer a more controlled cooking environment.

Using Portable Grills

Portable grills are another popular option for outdoor cooking. These grills typically use charcoal or propane as fuel and provide a larger cooking area compared to camping stoves. Portable grills allow for direct grilling and can be used to cook a wide variety of foods. However, they are heavier and bulkier compared to camping stoves, making them less suitable for backpackers or those with limited space.

Tips for Efficient Cooking

Regardless of the type of camping stove you choose, here are some tips to help you cook efficiently during your outdoor adventures:

Plan Meals in Advance

Planning your meals in advance can help you optimize your cooking time and fuel consumption. Preparing and pre-packaging ingredients can save time at the campsite and ensure you have everything you need for each meal. Consider the cooking times of your dishes and plan accordingly to ensure everything is ready at the same time.

Optimize Fuel Consumption

To optimize fuel consumption, use the right-sized pots and pans for your burners. Covering pots and pans with lids helps retain heat and reduces cooking time. Avoid unnecessary heat loss by keeping the flame size appropriate for the cooking task and using windshields to prevent heat from escaping.

Use Simmer Control

Some camping stoves offer simmer control, allowing you to adjust the flame to a lower heat setting. This is particularly useful when simmering or slow-cooking meals. Simmer control helps conserve fuel and prevents food from burning or sticking to the pots or pans.

Utilize Stove Accessories

Consider investing in stove accessories such as griddles, grill plates, or additional cooking surfaces. These accessories can enhance your cooking options and allow for more versatile meal preparations. They can also help distribute heat more evenly and provide a larger cooking area.


When it comes to choosing a camping stove, there are several factors to consider, including group size, meal complexity, cooking time, fuel availability, and weight/portability. Single-burner stoves are suitable for solo campers or small groups, while two, three, and multi-burner stoves offer increased cooking capacity for larger groups or those who enjoy more elaborate meals. Consider your budget, including the cost of the stove itself and the cost of fuel. Don’t forget to think about long-term savings potential. If you prefer alternatives to camping stoves, cooking over an open fire or using portable grills are worth considering. Finally, make sure to follow the tips for efficient cooking to optimize your outdoor culinary experience. Happy camping and happy cooking!